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Willingham by Stow, which was mentioned in the Domesday book, is six miles south of Gainsborough and twelve miles north of Lincoln. It has always been a mainly arable farming community with twenty farmers working the land in the late 19th century compared with just a handful now. St.Helen's church dates from the 11th century with registers that document events as far back as 1562 . The Methodist Chapel on High Street (No longer a place of worship) was built in 1885. There have been many business's in the village over the years but now there are two pubs, The Half Moon and The Fox and Hounds, plus the Howson Care Centre which is situated on Marton Lane. Lord Hawke was born in Willingham Rectory (1860).

The main organisations and most often used webpages are listed to your left. For all other sections of the Willingham by Stow website please look at "Site Content" at the bottom of this page. There are dozens of pages of information and space available for you to advertise and promote your services.
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2025 Horticultural Show
Draft Schedules


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Twinning Pictures

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The new menu is now available
Visit the pub Facebook page

Willingham Horticultural Show 2024

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Rev Jane Foster-Smith with the
Junior Aggregate Cup winner Henry Bates
and joint runners-up Martha Bates and Lucy Smith.

The report and prize winners - HERE

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More information - HERE

The new times for the post office
at Stow Church
Monday 09.30 - 12.30
Tuesday 1.30-4.30
Thursday 9.30-12.30
(Correct at time of publication)

Try a village service or handy person before you look elsewhere. Check out the "Village Directory" - LOOK HERE
If you would like to be included, please
CONTACT the website - IT'S FREE

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Willingham’s History
Download the Millennium booklet - a history of our village.
Documents including the 1780 enclosures, Post Office directory of 1876 and
A personal account of the day that war broke out by John Hawkins
Visit the village history page

If you have an issue with this website
or you can't find something
Contact us here

Willingham by Stow, Lincolnshire
Copyright 2025