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Bell ringing at St. Helen's

Practice We have a thriving band of ringers who practice on Wednesday evenings from 7.30 – 9.00.  There is usually a tied practice for beginners for an hour preceding the main practice.  We are helped enormously by ringers from neighbouring towers and visitors are always welcome.

Service Ringing 9.00 – 9.30 except on 1st Sundays 9.30 - 10.00 1st Sundays when Group Service is at St Helen's.

The bells The three original bells were recast and augmented in 1905/6 to a ring of 6 bells by John Taylors of Loughborough. They are a ground floor ring, tenor 12cwt in the key of G

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Ring for the King

Throughout the country plans are being made to Ring for the King at the Coronation of King Charles III on 6 May 2023.
For hundreds of years church bells have rung out, not only to call communities to worship, but also to celebrate special occasions, in remembrance of others and to signify special events. They are part of the soundscape of the UK. In June 2022 we all celebrated Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee with the sound of bells. Bells also rang out with a muffled sound throughout the nation as a mark of respect at her passing in September 2022.
Following the announcement of King Charles’ Coronation, the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers has initiated an appeal to recruit more ringers so they are trained in time to Ring for the King.  Would you like to take an active part in this historic occasion?  If you start to learn to ring either at Willingham or Stow in the next couple of weeks you will be ready to join in the ringing for this national event.  To find out more, ring Chris Turner (Stow) on 788110 or Sue Faull (Willlingham) on 788092

A short Bellringers video

Sue Faull
01427 788092

Sue Faull
Email from here

Bell refurbishment
More information

More about St. Helen's church
Website information

More about bell ringing
The Lincoln Guild Website

Inside St Helen's

Churches Festival 2019

Churches Festival 2023

Church Facebook page

Willingham by Stow, Lincolnshire
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