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These are just some of the hundreds of photos taken during our twinning weekend when friends from Postrelmov in the Czech Republic and Moyeneviile, France came to visit. Willingham hosted a weekend of events from July 19th - July 22nd. I have more to upload over the next few days.
If you have photos that can be added here, please send them to me unedited and I will include as many as possible.
If you would like a picture removed please contact me
Dave Bussey, Chairman, Willingham Twinning Association
01427 788425
Photos below were provided by Talbot Clark and Alois Horak
Click on any picture to see a larger version
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Photos by Talbot Clark
The Twinning tree planted at the Nursing Home
A few video moments from the weekend
Willingham by Stow, Lincolnshire
Copyright 2025