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The village is twinned with Moyenneville in France and Postrelmov in the Czech Republic. Each year one of the three villages hosts a weekend lasting usually from Friday PM to Monday AM. About 25 visitors come from each of the other two countries and are hosted by families in the village. Willingham therefore hosts once every three years.

Whole families or individuals. Children are more than welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. We are usually limited to about 25 in our party, so the earlier you contact us, the more chance you will have of coming along

Prior to the weekend our committee will give you details about the families you are hosting and any specific information about them that you may need. Visitors tend to arrive at about teatime on a Friday. You will be asked to meet your guests outside the Village Hall. The Village Hall will be open where drinks and light refreshments will be available. You are then welcome to take your guests to your home.
During the weekend you could expect to have a light meal with your guests on Friday night and perhaps a visit to the pub. Go out on a coach trip on Saturday, followed by a function in the village hall / Playing field for everyone on Saturday evening which would include supper. Sunday morning is free time. Some guests will go to church, others will visit a local place of interest with their hosts. Sunday afternoon is usually an event on the Playing Field. On Sunday evening we try to get groups of 2/3 families together for a barbecue or evening meal. With up to a dozen gathered together, interacting is never a problem. Monday sees our guests head home, usually around 8 to 9 AM. Host families are encouraged to offer guests a packed lunch for their journey.
The organisation of the weekend is arranged by the committee, but we do ask for a little help from the families involved. This could be setting up the Village Hall and Playing Field or helping a little with the food preparation for the Saturday night. Don’t worry, it won’t impact on your own enjoyment of the weekend and always remember, when we go abroad you can relax and enjoy the experience with none of the organisational responsibilities to worry about.
The weekend as hosts, costs just a little extra for food. You don’t have to buy in anything special, we always eat what our hosts eat at these events. When abroad, the programme is very similar with the only costs being travel. It would be rare for you to pay for anything while abroad. Saturday coach trips are paid for by the Twinning Committee.

When we travel to Moyenneville, we go by coach. The cost is shared equally amongst all those travelling, with children travelling at a reduced rate wherever possible and sometimes free of charge. Accomodation is with your host family and allocated by the Postrelmov Twinning Committee, bearing in mind any special requirements EG: "No stairs" or "No pets"
Postrelmov is a flight for us (Although they come all the way by coach and make a week of it visiting London, Paris and other places of interest) The cost of the airfare changes. The later we book, the more it is likely to cost. Some subsidies are available to make child fares less expensive. Families often travel together by car to Stanstead, and a coach takes us from Bruno airport (Czech Republic) to Postrelmov, a journey of about one and a half hours.
It is possible to make it more of a break and fly into Prague for a couple of days, which some of us have done. It’s a lovely city and the train service from there, will take you to a village close to Postrelmov. The rail fares are much less than in this country. (Currently the journey, which is similar to a train to London, is about £10)

*          A visit to another country at a fraction of the cost
*          Make and enjoy new friendships
*          Experience local food and drink
*          An opportunity to learn a new language and experience another culture
*          Take pleasure from introducing your guests to our village/country
*          Meet other Willingham residents with twinning connections and interests
*          Enjoy sport and social activities with like minded twinning friends
Great relationships have grown out of our twinning arrangements and I won’t be the only one who is looking forward to seeing our friends again. It is not unusual to receive cards for birthdays, when people are unwell and on at least one occasion, friends from abroad have travelled to us for a funeral, such are the close ties we have. It is also not unusual for visits to be made by individual families in addition to our more formal twinning arrangements.

Obviously the most asked question is, what about the language barrier ? The answer to that is there is rarely a problem. English is widely spoken in both countries so there is always someone close by to help to get your message across. These days, you can put your tablet or mobile on the table, switch on the translator and that works well. You never have to feel uncomfortable if conversing is a little slow, because the people you’ll be with are in exactly the same position. For most of the visits you’ll be in a large group of both English and visitors so it’s not a problem. No one expects you to speak to your guests continually. At the end of the day, you can always resort to “Sign language” (Charades). It works, is invariably fun and funny. When Barbara and I first went to Postrelmov neither us or our hosts could speak each other’s language and we managed just fine.

What is a typical twinning weekend like

This short video has been sent out to France and the Czech Republic to show those interested in Twinning, what our village looks like.


Barbara Bussey

01427 788425

Willingham by Stow, Lincolnshire
Copyright 2024