Horticutural Society

The Horticultural Society

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The show is held annually on the last Saturday in September.   The exhibition of flowers, fruit, vegetables, baking, preserves, art, photography and handicrafts is held in the Village Hall opening at 3 p.m.
Exhibitors must live within a five mile radius of Willingham by Stow and produce must be grown in the area. We hope that you will continue to support this friendly village tradition and look forward to seeing your entries in the next show.
The 78th Willingham Horticultural Show

The show was held on 28th of September which was one of the few sunny days we’ve had recently.  This encouraged a good turnout of villagers coming along to see the exhibits in the village hall.   The wet weather of both spring and early autumn meant that the number of vegetable, fruit and flowers exhibits were down on previous years but this was compensated for by the wonderful display of children’s art and crafts, and by the adults’ domestic and preserves sections.  Local talent was on display in the form of handicrafts and photography.
Margaret Smith, our President, thanked the committee members for their efforts in staging the show and welcomed all the visitors who had come to support the event.  She particularly spoke about Sue Bingham who has held various positions on the show committee for more than 50 years and presented her with a bouquet of flowers.   Although Sue has now retired from the committee no doubt she will continue to be a strong supporter.  Margaret also gave thanks to the Judges, two of whom have been judges for nearly half a century:  Mrs Joan Sanger and Mrs Hilary Bennett.  Their advice and support is much appreciated.
Rev Jane Foster-Smith was then invited to present the cups and medals to the many class winners.  She congratulated everyone on the wonderful show and said how delighted she was to see all the exhibits and commented on the talent and community spirit that was so evident.    This year’s Adult aggregate cup winner was Judith Tudberry with Sue Faull as runner up.  The Junior aggregate cup winner was Henry Bates with Martha Bates and Lucy Smith as joint runners- up.
A enthusiastic auction led by Mick Bates, a raffle and the sale of boxes of fruit and veg were all well supported and ensured that the committee is well set up to start thinking about the 2025 Show.

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Rev Jane Foster-Smith with the Junior Aggregate Cup winner Henry Bates
and joint runners-up Martha Bates and Lucy Smith.

A committee meets two or three times a year to make arrangements for the show

President - Miss M Smith
Chairperson - Mrs H Panter
V/Chairperson - Mrs M Discombe
Secretary - Mrs S Faull
Treasurer - Mr H Gudmundsson

Committee Members
Mrs J Brankin
Mrs S Edwards
Mrs P Benckendorf
Mrs C Seymour
Mrs J Tudberry
Mrs R Tunkin Jones
Ms K Tunkin Jones
Mrs C Young

Willingham by Stow, Lincolnshire
Copyright 2024